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English - High Beginner 1

Tuesdays 12:00-1:30 PM (ET)

230 US dollars
Crescent Street

Course Description

This is a standard class that meets once per week for 8 consecutive weeks: January 14 – March 4. Perfect for learners with a foundation in English who want to become more conversational and improve their comprehension. Introduction to basic phrases and vocabulary with an emphasis on pronunciation and fundamental grammar. Students will learn to introduce themselves and talk about their daily activities. Topics: hobbies, work, time, weather, describing people Objectives: verbs in the present and past tenses, adverbs, time- and weather-based vocabulary (seasons, months, times of day, etc.), descriptive adjective, comparatives and superlatives -------------------------------- ESPAÑOL: Perfecta para estudiantes con una base en inglés que quieren ser más conversacionales y mejorar su comprensión. Introducción a frases y vocabulario básicos con énfasis en la pronunciación y gramática fundamental. Los estudiantes aprenderán a presentarse y hablar sobre sus actividades diarias. -------------------------------- PORTUGUÊS: Perfeita para estudantes com uma base em inglês que desejam se tornar mais conversacionais e melhorar sua compreensão. Introdução a frases e vocabulário básicos com ênfase na pronúncia e gramática fundamental. Os alunos aprenderão a se apresentar e falar sobre suas atividades diárias. -------------------------------- FRANÇAIS: Parfait pour les apprenants ayant une base en anglais qui souhaitent devenir plus conversationnels et améliorer leur compréhension. Introduction aux phrases et vocabulaire de base avec un accent sur la prononciation et la grammaire fondamentale. Les étudiants apprendront à se présenter et à parler de leurs activités quotidiennes. -------------------------------- 汉语: 适合有英语基础的学习者,希望提高口语能力和理解能力。课程将介绍基本短语和词汇,重点放在发音和基础语法。学生将学习如何介绍自己并谈论日常活动。

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24 Crescent Street, Suite 101, Waltham, MA

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